Originally Posted By: bronx
smart people do stupid things , Blue, he was very smart,ego was his poison.tony lee good guy ,they were found not guilty

Come on Bronx Gotti wasn't intelligent lol. Tough? Yes Had balls? For sure but definetly was not the sharpest tool in the toolshed. He wasn't a particularly good earner at least not as good as most other crews. He was a degenerate gambler who pissed away all his crew profits so they had to resort to drug dealing. Lets be honest without Neil he wouldn't have gotten very far and as respected as Neil was he wasnt a smart gangster either which is part of the reason carlo passed him over. One thing I do agree with you about is his ego. Just listening to the prison tapes shows you have high of a opinion he has of himself and how he acts like he is so much smarter than everybody else when in reality he was a moron

Last edited by JCrusher; 12/01/17 09:08 PM.