So did little reading on him. So his father brother him and his brothers i guess rosario and joe to americas. Johns the oldest it says 1964. So if he was a made member in sicily he was realyy young and his brothers to i knida doubt there made over there. He gets inducted probaly with everyone else in the gambino family 76/77. Anyone know who his first capo was or do you think he was a soldier who reported strait to the boss how castellano had d.b. and funzi mosca cause they were cash cows. Hes only in his late 30tys when hes flooding nyc with herion there was guys like pat conte probaly doing it since the 50tys. But he had the dealings with that guy sindona the mafias banker. He didnt become a capo till gotti took over in 86 so they probaly friends from the 70tys disco days. Gotti did kill many gambinos killer. Capecis wrote hjs funneral was packed with wiseguys. Dan marino and cousins were there.