I'm pretty sure Henry was close to a lot of Varios when he was young.I think he was with Pete Vario not Tommy when he met Karen.By the late 70s early 80 he was pretty much a junkie drug dealer and I don't think he really hung out with them much anymore.
Henery said he was working with Jimmy on the point shaving and drug deals .Ater he got busted Henery said Jimmy wanted him dead mostly so that Paul wouldn't find out about Jimmys involvement in drugs.
Henery also said that he was giving bags of $ to Paul the whole time .He "knew"where the $ came from but didn't care. Although he didn't have any problem killing him when he got caught.
I think Henery got very lucky.These guys killed for a lot less.If there's a threat that someone could put you in prison in their eyes that's a great reason.
Henry also may not seem to brite but he did grow up on the streets and had street smarts.He also knew these people very well.I think Henry was supposed to pick up the plane tickets for the FL trip at a bar, he knew it was a set up and didn't go.Im sure there were never any tickets
I don't remember did Paul or Jimmy get charged with any drug offensiv?Doesn't seem like it.
I though Paul got off with a relatively light sentence(I don't remember what charge) but then got charged in a big racketeering can at JFK. I don't think Henry had much of anything to do with that case.
Jimmy got a pretty big sentence for the point shaving cause it was a federal case and then Henry helped a little with Jimmys conviction of the Eaton murder