Originally Posted By: satch7
straight up head in the sand stuff you wrote from you

No, the Trump voter is not attracted to their man because he wants to renegotiate trade deals. They are attracted to him because he bashes China, insults Mexicans, demonizes Muslims, degrades African Americans and worships government authority to keep all of them, and more, in line. His aggressive misogyny is just an added bonus.

You voted for Trump because Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side

Lets separate fact from fiction. Don't let Fake news CNN brainwash you. I never heard Trump degrade African Americans.
If he would I wouldn't defend him. I find he did quite the opposite.He wants to help the inner cities by creating jobs that would benefit African Americans.
With regards to Mexicans, if you look at the original statement that was taken out of context by Fake news media CNN and their clones, when talking about illegals he said some are good people and some that come in commit crime. Naturally the fake news media does not report the fact that he said "some are good people." The media will not report that he has been employing Mexicans or Latino's for quite some time and none came out saying that they were being mistreated. The Muslim allegations are also incorrect. He wanted a temporary ban at first so that he can implement a better vetting process and guess what fake news media started to accuse him of being racist. Meanwhile when he went to Saudi Arabia and met with all the Muslim delegations from different countries Trump was well received. So there goes your Muslim allegation against Trump down the drain. I could also defend other accusations you made but I find it to be a waste time. All you need to do is inform yourself but something tells me you won't.

Last edited by Ciment; 11/20/17 12:02 AM.