Hillary did win the popular vote by 3 million. She "lost" because the Electoral College nullified the votes from California and New York. I guess if you can just ignore votes from parts of the country you don't like. I don't know how old you are, but if you remember when Bill Clinton was elected, and when Obama was elected, it's not exactly like conservative types accepted it and hoped for the best. 8 straight years of whining and bellyaching in the 90s and again in 2008. Don't get me wrong, Democrats are not that great or anything, but don't tell me Repubs were the "loyal opposition" when a Dem was in the office.

Originally Posted By: blueracing347
The problem with the libtards is that they can't handle life. It's they're way or the highway. They're so stubborn and will not compromise on anything bc they are ominous. If Hilary or Bernie (who Hilary cheated out of the democratic candidacy) would've won, first I would accept the decision and hope for the best.