Originally Posted By: thebigfella
You have to be careful listening to these so called experts claiming certain families is defunct, these experts is leading you astray because they have family and friends in those families

Also you have to remember the Feds claims that they got rid of the mob and spent loads of cash doing so .

Now all these city's that once had families are all of a sudden completely rid of mob members is ridiculous . Not that is 1970 but that is what they do and for many there sons and nephews etc are involved at some point .

I would say there are still many members involved in crime under the old flag of the mob .

I only know about one that is supposed to be gone and when I go to see the old boys it just like it was minus the outward appearance that some of the NY and Philly guys have done. These guys just adjusted to what they can do in all aspects and are laying low like it should be.

They are not flamboyant they do not live above their means and do not talk it up and that huge if you want to have a thing going .

I guess we will see soon because I am sure the Feds will want to cash in on anything they can just like the men they hunt.

Last edited by Serpiente; 11/15/17 06:25 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."