Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
Wanna feel old? Here is a fairly recent photo showing (l. to r.) Fabian, Frankie Avalon, Chubby Checker and Bobby Rydell.

Take a good look at the photo. Besides being former teen idols, can you guess what they all now have in common? (No, it's not Geritol... well, it might be...)

The answer: They're all wearing toupees! eek

Damn... I'm really feeling my years now... rolleyes

Signor V.

Aww. They ALL wear toupees? uhwhat Actually toupee or not they all look pretty good tho Rydell looks the oldest. Yes, I remember Frankie in the Beach Party movies and his Venus in Blue Jeans; Chubby Checker will forever be the master of "The Twist." Fabian, is ok but the only song I remember by him is "Like a Tiger (?) My favorite of the group is probably Bobby Rydell. Loved Wildwood Days (edited. But wasn't there a Wild One as well?) and his "rock" version of "Volare."

Speaking of the Twist. I remember when it came out and people wondered how to do it. The instruction was to "pretend you're wiping your backside with a towel and at the same time putting a cigarette out on the ground with your foot. lol


Btw, all but Chubby are Italian. Italians rock!!! Just saying. wink

Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 11/08/17 03:19 PM.

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