
I'm a newbie. This is a looooong discussion. If I had a couple of spare days I would trawl through all 71 pages. I don't get to the pictures that often which seems odd as I live in London, but if you have lived in London for a while (I've been here ten years) you'll understand why. Pretty expensive if you want to see classic stuff. Multiplexes are abundant but show crap. I tend to watch DVDs and rent them from LoveFilm. Also I am very lucky to live two minutes away from a great DVD rental shop called The Film Shop.

Anyway, a decent film I last saw was Insomnia. No doubt this was discussed earlier but I haven't found the time to read through everything. I'm not a Pacino fan but he played himself so it worked. I find Robin Williams' weedly psycho routine a bit dull but the scenery! And I thought the idea that you never know what time of day it is was brilliant. A friend of mine reckons the original didn't deal with that aspect as well as the remake, but maybe in far north regions that idea is old hat. Suspense was great, plot substantial. Wonderful guessing games. However I think that the end was predictable. In the final scene when Pacino lies dying (sorry for the spoiler if you've not seen it) and the strings are in full swing and he says to Swank:

"Don't lose your way."

It reminded me of the scene at the end of The Player when Bruce Willis carries Julia Roberts out of the carnage and all the execs in the viewing theatre congratulate each other
on making a great movie.

But cynic that I am I have to say a good film. I will give it ***

Tonight's movie is City Of God.