In addition or another interesting info is that in December, 1962, Gus Alex together with his new paramour, began travelling extensively to Europe. During their travels, the pair always toted their own 16-millimeter movie camera and when the they took a flight back from Paris and landed in Boston, the U.S. customs officers promptly seized their movies. So one of the 50 roles of movies showed the pair in Rome, Italy and according to the IRS and Interpol, during one shot they saw Alex with some mysterious strangers who came to Rome’s Hotel Hassler to confer with him, while they were all being filmed unknowingly by Alex's paramour, who in turn allegedly thought they were some of his friends. Neither of the agencies were able to identify the men who were labeled as individuals of questionable character.

It was the same year when one Outfit associate Allen Rothman, who n turn was the main front man for Alex and Red Larner, became the President of The Vending Corporation of America in Chicago and so with his help, the “Combine” opened up manufacturing plants and offices all around the Midwest, including Kansas City and Milwaukee and also in Europe (England, Spain, Italy), Japan and Australia. In addition, "The Combine" was a group of so-called international U.S. or mainly Chicago mobsters who operated all around the world, and Alex was one of those fellas and allegedly Giancana was the "overseer". They got the name Combine from the feds.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good