Chinaman, not doubting you but what's the reasoning for having the Outfit more active then Philly , Boston and the Bonnanos ? as I haven't seen any current info about Chicago that I'm aware of at least . Im curious to know what rackets they are still into outside losnsharking and drug robberies.

It's somewhat peculiar for things to be so quite yet activities allegedly so active , they have to be doing business with someone to be active and the neighborhoods are always talking about this scam or that scam that gets out.

The Bonnanos are weaker than the top 3 famalies and are somewhat looked down upon cuz of their mostly blue collar rackets and violent ways but they still have an army of soldiers and associates knee deep in drug trafficking with some major wholesale traffickers in at least Marajuana (1000s of lb level ) and likely much more and probably international and major cigarette tax scams . They also have tens of millions in loans and multiple times that in gambling in the streets plus robbery crews in most boroughs and still a violent involved in brawls , stabbing shootings and murder . Although less they also have some union activity as well .

The outfit are no doubt sharp and secretive but I find it very hard to believe they are more active then the Bonnanos who might not be very powerful but are active as shit in everything and anything with a couple hundred of soldiers and associates scamming every day . I need to hear some legit proof of that to consider it so please share what you can