I love Tarantino too. He's my 2nd favorite director behind Martin Scorsese. I'll be honest, I'm obsessed with his Kill Bills Volumes 1 & 2 which I'm sure you know all too well by now. I also love Jackie Brown. As for Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, I enjoy them and they are great movies, but I don't "love" them as much as I love his other movies or as much as other members here love them. But I also love other movies made by other filmakers, which I'm sure you know too. I didn't like Apocalypse Now, but I did love the movie before it on the AFI list (Mr. Smith Goes To Washington). I didn't like The Treasure of the Sierra Madre or Annie Hall that much either, but again I loved the 2 previous movies before them as well High Noon and The Godfather Part II