Originally Posted By: Biggie
Mikey, again ill say it, I dont doubt your story nor did at any time i say i did,I doubt your identification of pung because as i stated, chick has paper and johnny is pretty diligent about keeping his dad out of positions that can hurt him. And i doubted joey was the one who gave u the finger, which u confirmed it... and I get why, but I just don't think the feds watching guys in their 80s or approaching their 80s hang on the corner is good use of tax money in this day and age...what I'm saying is they aren't gonna see chick start a crap game on passyunk...i disagree with some of the people positioning on the chart, johnny, chick and Phil but that's just my opinion on it nothing more nothing less...

Biggie- its all good my man, i didnt take any of ur comments as an insult or you calling bullshit on my story pal, no worries...what u said about joey punge makes total sense and you're pry right i pry mis identified him. Question though is Chickie still on paper? I thought he just did what 90% of his time so when he was released he was free of aNy restrictions? Just wondering is all, i could be way off. Im an attorney, but i do real estate law not criminal law soi may sound like a total dickhead

Haha i agree bro chickie isnt gonna break out a dice game on passyunk, but eith that dsid do u think the feds are just posted up outside a known mob hangout and i mean regardless oftheir positiion, Phil ligambi, Chickie and johnny chang are all made men in the mafia. Wouldn't u think itd make some sense the cops are watching them? I respect your knowledge and opinions my friend, just spitballing here bc i am 100% sure the two guys in the van were there watching them and i saw that clear earpiece wire.. do u think maybe it wasn't feds, but State Police, philly oc division or DA investigation?

Last edited by mikeyballs211; 09/26/17 09:29 AM.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"