Originally Posted By: salvi62
Read my post in the General Discussion forum.

Frank was a major cheapskate.

I just read a little article about his reality show "Pawnfellas" with Vincent Pastore and Gianni Russo. A show that never got off the ground.

It said that the show failed because two of the actors (who shall remain nameless) wanted more money at the last minute. Geeze, I wonder who that could have been???

The greatest thing to ever happen to that guy was "go get your fuckin shine box"

Its an iconic line that will go down in movie history. He was very lucky to have gotten that line. He wanted Pesci's part but Martin said "no, you should really play Billy Batts".

Its almost like "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn" or "you dirty rat". 100 years from now those lines will be remembered.

Also..."How the fuck I'm I funny"


Bro...he's dead. Ever heard about not speaking ill of the dead? Don't call a dead guy a cheapskate.

GangsterBB Snitches get stitches!