Originally Posted By: salvi62

Yeah, I see what you mean. I looked that drink up too and there are a dozen different ways to make it and every one of them say "authentic mojito"

In your professional opinion what do you think is the very best non blended scotch out there. Forget price, whats the very best?

Loaded question. When it comes to single malts, some like the heavy peat, some don't. And you can buy some rare 26 year bottles that will run you thousands. I keep a bottle of 18 year glenlivet for a a scotch drinking guest at the house. It's a good single malt and is roughly $100 a fifth where I live. Probably a little more in other areas. JW blue is a blend but has a high roller reputation. About $400 a bottle. This is a broad stroke statement so don't take it for 100% true in all situations. Scotch market is more stable than Bourbon at the moment. Scotch price and quality is closely linked. Bourbon is in a shortage so prices are ridiculous jacked up. So a $300 scotch is probably a better pour than a $300 small batch Bourbon.