I have no idea why people have turned the word nig--r into the worst possible thing you can say in the whole fucking world.

Watch any movie that originally had that word in it and its always bleeped out.
In movies like Goodfellas, and the Godfather they leave in the words "ginny" and 'mick" but no, nobody can hear you say "the N word" as all the assholes on TV now call it.

Where I grew up everybody was "something". A ginny, sp*c, pollack, redneck, k*ke and yeah nig--r too. Its just the way we all talked, no big deal.

People like to say that the N word conjures up images of hangings etc. But lets not forget that the worst mass hanging by a vigilante group was in New Orleans when they hung all those Sicilians who they thought killed a police captain.

The way things are now, if the Pope was overheard saying the N word he'd have to make a public apology on TV, Go on a late night talk show and explain how much he really loves black people. Then after all that they would force him to resign as Pope.....

Sal "the wop"