No disrespect but u and Blackjack are making excuses for Gotti now...yes we know he was 60, yes we know black guys are physically tough. Tell us something we don't know

When he clipped Paul- Paul was unarmed, was 70, diabetic...

When he got Favara kidnapped, that was several guys vs ONE Favara...

U get my drift, enough with the excuses! This ain't no sanctioned boxing match


I grew up around street gangs that were associated with certain organisations (not that I ever worked for them), a lot of my friends did and ended up In jail. we're going back 20 yrs though. Just an ordinary law abiding family man now. It might strike u as odd that people would start on someone disabled BUT I'm not wheelchair bound or anything

Rather, I have arthritis of the spine and foot. So looking at me, u would still see a normal looking dude who walks abit slower

And when I say people challenge me, I'm referring to the occasional drunk everyone seems to encounter in a bar or the local street thugs that have too much time on their hands...

I certainly don't look for trouble in my physical state.

Last edited by Tonytough; 09/14/17 01:01 PM.