Originally Posted By: Footreads
In the constitution obama could not keep illegals in the country by executive order, but he did it. Let's put him in jail for a while.

Arpaio was violating the constitutional rights of American citizens long before Obama took office. I've never even expressed support for Obama, and one of the worst things about politics today is that people only use deductive logic like what you're doing here. "Well if he doesn't support who Trump supports he must be a super leftist liberal". That's not the case. The case here, and it honestly has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Clinton or whoever else. The fact is that Arpaio has been violating not only illegals but also AMERICAN citizens for years with impunity. He's a piece of shit that's committed abuses and has been involved with scandals for decades and uses the fear of illegals to keep people voting for him. The man faked an assassination plot against himself purely to hold press conferences and appear fearless in the eyes of his constituents.