Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen

After seeing Granellos name in here, Ima have to reconsider my stance on Genovese....

He woulda let a child molester run the family, this pretty much disqualifies ANY praise for his so called IQ........

Granello never ran the Genovese, I think it was rumored that he was a candidate to take over the family after Genovese passed away. I do think that it is interesting that the two families considered to be the most elite, the Genovese (Granello) and Chicago (DeStefano) had two of the biggest sickos/sociopaths in the history of OC as members. It just goes to show that as long as you are a huge earner, which they both were, you will be protected, until you become too much of a liability, in which case you will die a very painful death.