I'm fascinated by this whole thing just as we all are or we wouldn't be here, but...

If I spend a lifetime being a scumbag and wandering the streets in a bathrobe mumbling gibberish to myself and not wiping my ass after I shit...and fill my other time outsmarting jerk off shrinks into thinking I'm crazy...and with the threat of life in prison constantly over my head...

...would you call me smart too? I didn't fucking think so.

Let's not redefine the term intelligent. Less of a Dumbfuck is what we're really talking about here and we all know it. They say anyone can pull a trigger---maybe it's true, maybe it ain't. And forgive me if I don't put much stock in what some cop says. You think he wants to admit his life's work was nabbing people who couldn't make a grilled cheese sandwich? A cop calling a monster smart justifies the cops existence. A self fulfilling prophecy.