I will be going but just on lift day. I will meet my cousin Rosie there. Rao's is closed on that day. But we got the entrance to the place to sit there in the shade. Normally I rent an apartment for a week this week. Expensive you can't rent a three bedroom place a block a way for less then $5000 for the week. Kids are in NJ my Henry is back in Germany. My other grand daughter is not allowed to see my son because the Gold digger ex wife wants more money. Every time my kids get mad at their ex's. They tell me to do a drive by on them to they calm down smile my wife told me to do it to a dentist who gave me two black eyes when he worked on my teeth. I did not feel anything when he did it. Then my kids said it. So some minority guys mugged him when he left his office. I needed to find a new dentist I heard he can't be a dentist anymore.

Rosie I told you the story how we all went to the clay Cole show and the kinks were performing live. Ray Davies thought she was hot and grabbed her ass. I saw it and rapped him. Started a little riot at the studio just before it was going on the air. She is not hot anymore she is 70 now smile

I like going on Saturday because the kids lift the little giglio on that day. I did it when I was a kid.

only the unloved hate