Think about it logically they are ppl...

Do athletes use drugs?
Do accountants use drugs?
Do lawyers use drugs?

I'm a successful cpa and I was a dope head for years and NO ONE knew... that's working at a Fortune 500 company I would imagine a soldiers daily life style is a little less stressful and it would be easier...

And I'm not the AA/NA type I just stay away from opiates so i still drink and do blow occasionally...

So I would imagine whatever the normal % is of population that uses drugs ... they would fall right in if not higher in my opinion with easier access and less real responsibility....

I'm working on getting the SEC 10-K out and I'm hurting I'm screwed I need to finish it .....

Mob soldier or associate making collections starts hurting break time to go meet dealer!

Last edited by Homers77; 08/08/17 09:27 AM. Reason: Spelling