I bet he regrets ever getting in bed with john Connelly. He was a gangster and would have made money probaly would have went to jail way back in the 70tys with horse race fixing but he wouldnt have to live with being labeld a rat in his town of southie and the rest of boston. He thought he was a wiseguy diamond pinkey rings he spent alot of time it seems around made guys like nick femia and the anguilos. Theres even pics of him with vinny the animal. He asked jr russo to intervene when the winter hill guys in the early 70tys were gonna kill him. There was a funny story steve flemmi flipped out on him in florida when whitey showed him 2 kilos of coke well steve was driving them in a car like what the fuck you have that in my car for. I remeber a few years back my friend pulled out some ugly as nine i was just giving him a ride down the street i freaked out im said put that shit away and got him to the place quick n bolted. They dont play with guns in mass. I have a felony from a million years ago and what ever is in your car is yours. Not cool.