Originally Posted By: Ciment
I find this alliance between the Rizzuto clan and the Wolfpack to be a desperate move by the Rizzuto's clan.

It confirms that they were losing the battle in MTL and needed to form an alliance. I feel this alliance is only postponing the inevitable.
Even if this alliance were to succeed in overthrowing the Ndrangheta in Ontario; what would stop the Wolf pack in turning against the Rizzuto clan at some point in time. In my opinion it is an act of desperation.

The Wolf pack also have their enemies in B.C and it seems that the Wolf pack war is also taking place in other parts of Ontario, Ottawa being one of the cities.
One thing for sure, it will be one hell of a war that will be waged in Ontario.

The Wolf Pack was formed by the Hells Angels I think.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"