Would not doubt it came from Chin - Manna - Scarfo , who knows what Nick and Manna put together with endless hours in the joint.

I don't think Nick was in for killing Bruno because he was a rules guy but he may have let on about how unhappy all the soldiers and most of the skippers were with Bruno and stirring the pot is just as affective sometimes .

Was Testa getting boss all a ploy or was Nick truly loyal to the life . I think he spoke about how it could go down to Bobby and Bobby and Westside put it motion with Nick eventually becoming the one getting all the spoils .

Pmac: regardless if they had the capos , they all knew that taking out a sitting boss was punishable by death !!!! What in the hell were they thinking besides Manna and Westside twisting them to where they wanted them.

Last edited by Serpiente; 07/28/17 10:01 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."