Originally Posted By: JC
Families don't give other families guys to control, they give other families guys to work with in joint operations. Either way, can you cite what made guys he was controlling? Just because he supposedly stepped in to save an associate that the Bonannos wanted killed does not mean anything. Look back at the Capeci article where a guy complained that Merlino was holding back money, it was a captain in the Genovese family, Pagano, who said that if Joey owes the money he has to pay, and guess what he paid! So mister all powerful was overruled by a captain from another family and he took it without even a sit down with another boss.

The Jockey deserves respect for doing his time, but tough, come on, he has probably never had a fair fight in his life. His wife banged other guys openly while he was gone and he had to do icky things to Stanley Stein to get back on his feet in Florida. Your fanboy words are pathetic, I hope that you are young and can grow out of this phase. Otherwise, I do not know what to say other than I feel sorry for you, you are idolizing a guy who if he met you would only have one thing on his mind, how to exploit you to get some money.

ummmm, clarify this?