Vacari you are thinking about Danny Angiulo like Bones just mentioned. Danny was a legit killer and never seemed to truly get along with Jerry.

There was no agreement, Angiulo took over the Boston numbers from Joe Lombardo when he supposedly fled to Italy. The screws were turned on Angiulo oddly enough by Larry Zannino and that's when Angiulo went to The Hill and made his deal with Patriarca. In the end, Zannino ended up under Angiulo even though Zannino and Russo were probably more feared in Boston than Angiulo was.

There is no telling how much money the Angiulo family still had even after they were caught and had to forfeit, being "the guy" over a city the size of Boston?? That's big boy dollars for sure. Jerry was a tightwad for sure so no telling how much he was caught with.

I'd recommend you read The Underboss by Gerard O'Neill and Dick Lehr. It follows Jerry Angiulo and then the wiretaps on Angiulo's office as well as Zannino's office and card games. Just make sure to skip the 2 or 3 chapters on the cops and legal team, that was entirely boring and had no info on Boston. I would love to see the transcripts to both wiretaps honestly.

And I'm not sure Angiulo was ever underboss to Junior Patriarca, as Angiulo was in prison by the time Junior became boss.

I think it was Junior as boss, Billy Grasso from Connecticut under and Zannino was consig. Once Boston went rogue and killed Grasso, then it went to Nicky Bianco as under and J.R. Russo as consig I'm almost certain. After that is when Boston once again had Junior begging for his life and I think Bianco took over until he went to prison then all hell broke loose with Cadillac Frank and others vying for the top position.

Last edited by dixiemafia; 07/21/17 02:46 PM.