Gratteri: "The health of the Ndrangheta in the North is good"
07/02/2017 admin Ndrangheta 0

Nicola Gratteri
ROME - The health of the Ndrangheta in the North is "good", a presence that "manifests itself in different ways." "Before shooting more," "Today families are dedicated more to business, make investments. They buy and sell hotels, restaurants, shops. They devote themselves to the laundering of drug profits". It is the analysis of Nicola Gratteri, the public prosecutor in Catanzaro, interviewed by the Press. "They are the holders of the wholesale. The detail they leave it to Nigerians and others. The Ndrangheta has a near monopoly. For decades selling cocaine to Cosa Nostra and the Camorra. Always the big importers of cocaine are the Ndrangheta area Ionian and Tyrrhenian coast, "he explains.

"In the construction industry the ndrine have always been a big part offering cheap labor, ensuring the disposal of waste, supplying cement weakened. The Northern entrepreneurs who have adapted, now they can not say they did not know or did not understood. i explain: for years if your suppliers offer you a 100 material and the newcomers you give it to 60, there is something wrong. it's obvious. " "New partners typically enter into partnership with minority stakes, then end up control, the company" to take in hand. The young talent? "The Ndrangheta children are educated, graduates, are lawyers, doctors, engineers. They are in government. But always respond to the same rules. At that mafia method that can not be denied."

"The king is dead, long live the king!"