last night I watched Jean Luc Godard's classic Pierrot le fou (1965). IMDB's trivia section for it says it was "allegedly shot without a script", and well, I say that is no surprise to me. that is what this film looks like. don't get me wrong, is not like I didn't like it, but for sure it's nowhere near as good as À bout de souffle or even Une femme est une femme. both these movies have the exact same "show without a script" feeling, and what really affected me (in a very good way) in them was the total lack of rules that Godard seems to work under. but hey, this time I thought that whole thing a little boring. especially a long shot in the middle of trees and birds when both Jean Paul Belmondo's and Anna Karina's carachters sing and dance like in a musical. that just kept repeating and getting more and more boring. but because I'm talking about a Godard film, I probably set the standards too high. in the end, I still feel like I want to watch Pierrot le fou again because I know I'm missing something.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk