I'm with you, the show is full of people you really SHOULD hate, lol....

Take Malammore, I loved him, until he killed little Maria Rita, then I was like, what the fuck?

Or the Alley Kids, they were actually the most lethal crew, like Genny had a pretty serious gang, even though they were kids.....


You really think Ciro giving up the shipment was that farfetched? To me it was very similar to Stringer giving up Avon, using the cops as a weapon to get rid of a rival. This is OLD tactics here, going back to Luckyand Meyer setting up Waxy Gordon, or how they set up Genovese and Galante. Hell, even in a movie like Belly, where the local crew used the cops to get rid of the out of Towners.

People have a this thing where they don't think a cold blooded killer would EVER rat, not understanding the most rational, amoral criminals can rationalize just about anything... I would venture to guess there are tons of numbers ones in jail, who can't figure out how they got there, even if they made no mistakes themselves, and can't figure the angle that their jealous lieutenant betrayed em. Or a spurned ex girlfriend, or a semi-friendly rival gave em up........

Who I couldn't stand was Lellucio, he seemed like such a bitch, lol...