No they don't get the same amount of time. They get 1.5 days for every 1 day they serve behind bars. The judge cannot take that into account and sentences them to what they would get anyways.

Desjardins was sentenced to 14 years. He already spent close to 5 years behind bars netting (365 days times 5 = 1,825 days times 1.5 per day = 2,737.5 total days) himself 7.5 years behind bars when he spent only 5 years behind bars. That leaves him with 6.5 years left compared to 9 more years if the 1.5 wasn't factored in.

So all said and done he's serving 11.5 years of a 14 year sentence. So no, it's not the same amount of time.

The others are gaining those days as well and I'm betting they don't get the same sentence Desjardins got either.