I've been waiting to get my results from Ancestry before I posted. Here are my results:

72% Italy/Greece with "Sicilian Connection Very Likely" (that didn't surprise me since I know my ancestors are from Siciy

10% what they call Caucasus (Middle East)

7% Irish (who knew? LOL) I'll have to drink me some green beer lol The rest are called "trace regions" with small low confidence percentages

I also have 58 pages of ancestry dna matches. They go from confidence levels of "extremely high, high, good, moderate."

I see about a page of many "Extremly High" matches that I recognize as a 1/2nd cousin and likely some are my cousins kids

Many do not have full names, some just last names. I see some famous LAST names like: Sinatra, DiMaggio, Falco, Tarentino, Bonnano, Scalia. BUT turns out I may just have a GODFATHER CONNECTION. lol The name Coppola appears at least two times as a match, without a first name.

Well I came across a "moderate" match from "Westin Coppola-Cage. I googled the name and it's Nicholas Cage's son, who is FFC nephew. Ha ha ha ha!! lol lol How cool is that?

I'm still browsing around but I've been having fun


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 06/18/17 04:20 PM.

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon