La Dolce Vita
A Must-see-film about life, love and the meaning of living. This is the first Fellini film I watched and there are many to follow. Otte e mezzo is next. The main character Marcello, a journalist, leaving his fiancé at home, is looking for satisfaction which he hopes to find in other women.´
His fiancé Emma is my favorite character in the movie. She is depressed because she knows that Marcello is seeing other women and even if she wants to offer him a sweet life, most time he ignores her, even regrets his relationship to her.
Another key figure is Steiner, a good friend of Marcello but at the same time the counterpart of his persona. His story tells the viewer that money and wealth are not everything in life.
Visually, the scene where Marcello follows Sylvia into the water is simply beautiful. The only scene I didn't like was the party-scene near the end.
It was late and I was abit tired when I saw this movie and I also saw it in two parts (nights), so I need a rewatch soon to get more into the plot.

A must-see film. A masterpiece.

Quote of the Moment:

"Fredo - you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever."
Michael Corleone

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