Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Some Cali stuff.

Trailer for doc. about The Chosen Few MC,oldest integrated MC in the country.

6 page article about L.A. Black Bikers,from July 1970 issue of Motor Cycle World is available through a vintage seller here


Well, I'm pretty harsh with my opinions on books and film so I won't take the long way around the barn---looks like another motorcycle video that sucks. I've kinda given up on these things. I'm glad they exist, I guess.

California's Hessians 1% mc (from the 60's) had a similar video put out a couple years ago. I was super pumped to see it. I was super bummed after I did. Sadly these things just aren't any good. There just isn't much if any substance to these things. Hells angels forever is the only genuinely cool one imho. Also one on YouTube about Ching a ling mc in NYC that's ok.

Even the non club videos being made for instance like the guys from Dice Magazine. They had that one that even got onto Netflix 30 days under the sky or something---I don't even think I got all the way through it. Dice Magazine rocks though. Jmho' s as always so take with a grain of salt.