Originally Posted By: 2a

I must say it's interesting that there has always been a relative lack of black 1% clubs . I suppose a lot of it has to do with the relatively small number of black bikers but I digress .

Anyways while this is not exactly relevant to the topic at hand , I thought I'd mention that the Pagans are supposed to have a black support club ( called the Thunderbirds MC ) based out of Baltimore : http://www.onepercenterbikers.com/pagans-mc/ . This link also states that the Pagans are allies of the Thunderguards who have already been mentioned .

Also John Hall states in his book ( I can't remember the title ) about the Pagans that his Pagan chapter had a half black member , so it seems that the Pagans are one of the more racially tolerant MC's , as far as the bigger mostly white clubs go .

The big clubs have always had random half non-white or whatever members. Iirc back in the 60's bargers Oakland charter had a guy that was 1/2 Portuguese or something named ni**er rick who rode a chopped Norton.

And the international clubs have charters in places like Thailand etc where they are made up of natives. So it's all a bit of a gray area. It also may be more of a chapter by chapter thing than a whole club thing. Blacks being an exception, generally. Several of Mexican dudes in the US bandidos. Regionally speaking more likely to find part Mexicans in the southwest. A chapter of a big club in Illinois may not give a 1/2 Mexican the time of day, but in another state...maybe. Or bandidos in Washington state vs Texas.

Most other bikers I've known are fairly racist, whether club or independent. For instance, a chick who went with a black guy would be filth forever afterwards.