Originally Posted By: getthesenets

thanks for info about timelines/origins of MCs and street organizations in Chicago. Very interesting.

Also interesting that you've also noted that clubhouses tend to be well maintained regardless of where they are located. I 100% agreed when you said the SPECIFIC area around the clubhouse is clean in the ones in hood areas.

For fun, do a google map search for the club house of the Newark Knights....and then look at the surrounding area. Anybody who has ever lived or run business in a Northeastern hood, knows the experience of sweeping up in front of your area....and cursing to yourself complaining about idiots and losers that dump trash/food that you have to clean up.

The image of a biker, with a black leather vest on doing this is HILARIOUS!!!


LoL. I already did Google map theor clubhouse after you mention them.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb