Originally posted by Don_Andrew:
Chinatown (1974, Polanski)

"You´re a very nosy fellow, kitty-cat, huh?"

Private Eye Jake Gittes is hired by a woman to investigate her husband's alleged affair, but when the woman turns out to be a fake, Gittes becomes entangled in a huge web of corruption, fraud and crime.

Chinatown features template acting, especially on the parts of Nicholson and Dunaway. Polanski delivers an amazing film that is a timeless classic, and one of the best ever. Screen legend John Huston also gives a short but sweet performance as Mrs. Muhlray's father, the twist ending is very surprising.


"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown."
A great crime film to be sure, but has anyone seen the sequel The Two Jakes? I've seen it on my video store shelf, and it's intrigued me everytime I look at it. Worth a look?

(And BTW, the twist in Chinatown is definitely one of the best I've seen. It genuinally succeeds as one of those "OH MY GOD! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!" moments).

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately..." wink