Originally Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
It never ceases to amaze me that people still make excuses for them and criticise LE for going after them considering the sheer scope of the amount of illegal profits they are accruing, not to mention the tentacles they continue to spread into legitimate business mainly construction, flooding cities with drugs, the amount of money they add to YOUR cost of living, the dangers they pose to decent society with asbestos, illegal landfills, construction shortcuts etc.

The amount of black people that are in overcrowded prisons for little or no reason, yet these lazy shitbags who haven't worked a day in their lives and live in mansions are still "illegitimate targets" to some.

I assume everyone here works 9-5?

Does it not piss you off?

If only it was the 1860's, vigilanteism was still a thing and these lazy pricks could be tarred and feathered.

Just my two cents.

*Lazy shitbags and lazy pricks as in organised crime gangs in general

i agre with you but why you say blacks are in prison for little or no reason? most of them are there because they are criminals. they may not be as bright as crea or cali but they are still criminals and belong to rot in prison.trump won because he understands this. you sound like u believe in white privilege.

I recently read that if you didn't include non violent offenders the US would still have the most prisoners in the world. There is this myth floating around that says prisons are full of non violence offenders like weed smokers, but they are full of rapist, robbers, and murderers. Will never solve the problem of crime as long as the majority of people continue to lie to themselves.

Back to the case one of the articles claim Tindaro Corso is a capo, anyone ever heard of him before? Another interesting tidbit is one of the guys was charged in the Meldish murder was in prison when it actually happened. That tells me someone involved in the hit has possibly flipped or they got wiretaps of them talking about hits.