Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Little Darlin' - The Diamonds (Soooo Doo-wop) smile


The original of "Little Darlin"--was done by The Gladiolas, a black group whose lead singer, Maurice Williams, later headed the Zodiacs. They had a big hit in '61: "Stay." Great make-out record. wink

The Diamonds were a white Canadian group that "covered" original records made by black groups. Among their hit covers were "The Stroll" (Chuck Willis) and "Silhouettes" (The Rays).

Oh yea, I love Maurice Williams "Stay." I remember "The Stroll" (was a dance too no?) and "Silhouettes", both great songs.
I actually like the later 60s version of Silhouettes by "Hermans Hermits" smile


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