Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I may be wrong but I think maybe it was SC who said when he was young Dion/Belmonts sang on street corners? That would have been so cool. smile Then again Dion is from Philly not NY right? LOL Maybe I'm confused.

Yeah, Dion & the Belmonts started their singing careers as street corner singers just as many other groups did. Two minor corrections, though - they lived in the Belmont section of the Bronx (a mostly Italian section back in the '40s and '50s - the same neighborhood as portrayed in "A Bronx Tale") AND they were already established stars when I heard of them. My sister, ten years older than I, absolutely loved them starting in the late '50s.

Thanks SC

This is why I thought he was from Philly.
Were you at the BB meet in Philly? We were at the famous "Philly Sandwich" place (forgot the name) and there was a big old building that had on it's side wall (old/faded) pics of Chubby Checker, Bobby Rydell and I THOUGHT the third one was Dion. I assumed they were all from Pilly. Obviously, I had it wrong. Now I'm trying to think of who the third one was. confused


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