Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I don't like most of DeNiros recent stuff but know he's a great actor and he sounds perfect for this role. I much prefer him in a good drama.

The same with me, TIS. Too many of his recent roles blend into one (they're all the same). This one is similar. They portray Madoff as a controlling force over his family and that is tailor made for DeNiro's "disgusted" face (that he seems to use all the time now). The movie itself was OK, but just barely. You won't walk away from this feeling any sympathy for Madoff (not that he deserves any) and I'd recommend it to anyone who just wants to learn what this whole mess was about. But don't expect to be entertained by it.

Thanks for the heads up SC. Yea, I DO want to learn more of what happened. I'll look at it more as a history lesson. LOL


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 05/29/17 03:25 PM.

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