Originally Posted By: Raven
You got it Alfano. My other clues would have been phone booth, ray-ban sunglasses, and autistic man.

Cool. Wanna hear a story? Gets will like this one, I bet. On one of my Jersey visits, this was around 1993, one of my aunts had me go on a field trip with her and all the autistic and mentally challenged kids at the school she worked for. We took a LONG bus over the GWB to the city to go to the Museum of Natural History. The bus ride over was fun, all you heard was oooooo and aahhhh. So, we get to the museum and Shawn is an autistic kid but he's a savant like Ray is in Rain Man. That kid knew everything there is to know about the dinosaurs. He went on and on. I never met anyone like him before. We were all impressed with his knowledge. When we went to sit down in the room for lunch, he turned into a totally different person. His Mom put MUSTARD on his sandwich and boy did he throw a fit. He didn't want mustard. He acted just like Ray did in the movie when something isn't in it's right order.