Originally Posted By: dsd
Its about western leaders coddling the Saud's,qataris of the world and then going on about islamist terrorists.
When its them countries spreading extremist views

I agree,Dsd. With due respect to the recent victims of the terrorist attack, what you've pointed out has bothered me since the major attack here at the WTC. Big business interests in the west are in bed with big business interests in the middle east, and a lot of propaganda makes people lose sight of that. All the while, the masses are riled up against "Dem Arabs" from certain places.

History repeats itself because I read that American businessman were in bed with the German business interests in the 1940s....while the masses were being riled up against "The Huns"..."Dem Nazis". They had to pass laws here to prevent American businessmen from doing business with Nazis.....even as American enlisted men were dying in WW2.