Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Untill the moment when Chicago lost its seat on the commission table or untill the moment when US Cosa Nostra stopped operating as a strong national organized crime network, the Chi boys were almost on the same level with some of the NY fams in regarding the dope business, obviously because they played a big part in spreading the product around the Midwest. The only huge difference was that the Outfit had less members who were strictly, directly or constantly involved with junk, while compared to the east coast organizations

Can we say in hindsight T. that the national Commission lost its purpose when the crime families lost their influence/control of the national unions (Teamsters, ILA etc.)? I mean there was no more reason for them to get together after that, plus it was very dangerous and incriminating if they got caught right?

I find it very ironic that they were this major national organization in the early 30's, when they got together often and were in constant communication with each other it seemed. Subsequently they became incredibly isolated in the 21st century, in a time where technology has made the world a helluva lot smaller.

Last edited by BillyBrizzi; 05/24/17 08:30 AM.