The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN have been using more of these anonymous sources and unseen documents in their stories. So how do we know that any of these sources are true? We don't, and some have turned out to be false. There are a lot of federal employees who don't like Trump and some of them are leaking information, some of it false information.

Trump has big mouth, tweets too much, says stupid things, acts like a bully, and I could go on, but there's no evidence of Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. Zero. James Comey testified that there's no obstruction and even Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Pelosi said there's no evidence of collusion. Alan Dershowitz, who voted for Hillary, said there's no reason for an appointment of a special investigator except for people wanting to cover their asses. Meanwhile, Rep. Maxine Waters is creating tin foil hat conspiracy theories and calls for his impeachment NOW.

Instead of all this witch hunting, the media needs to just stick with the facts and lay off the partisan speculation.