Originally Posted By: MrJustsayNo
Sandro Aiosa of the Bonanno family also has a huge Sicilian faction behind him and was the man in Ozp in the late 80s all throughout the 90s and early 2000s. He ran a huge cafe between 95th-96th st on 101 ave about 2-3 blocks from the bergen hunt and fish club that catered to a lot of the bonanno and Gambino Sicilians which many were intertwined. Sandro and his son operate a huge cafe/club on 97th ave in Ozp which used to be an old and warehouse for the last 19 years as the older cafe on 101 ave closed in 98.A lot of the Sicilian bonannos could have went with the Gambinos or Bonannos as many were related in one way or another.The Boventre's were related to the Cali's and so on so for the, Cesare Bonventre wound up with the Bonannos when in reality probably should have been with the Gambinos in that's where a lot of his relatives ! But that's a whole other story !!
Sandro Aiosa was never a Capo (or if he was it was very brief in the early 2000s). He was also indicted as a soldier in 2013