Thanks for the info MR. Been checking this board for years now, but very rarely post. Not sure why people feel the need to come on here and act like they are Capeci 2.0. Seems like certain people judge posters by how they type, or the "vibe" that comes from their posts. Most posters seem to fit into one of two groups(yes, i know that I judge too). I call them either the "street level" poster or the "FBI" poster.
"Street level"-lots of CAPS, run-on sentences, and "F" bombs.
"FBI" poster- lots of "you're wrong", "where's the 302"?, and "that can't be true"
(Except you SERP, you're the man)(And one of the last good ones left)
And of course the "FBI" type poster is always quick to bash the "street level" poster. And in return the "street level" will get offended and type in more CAPS. Yet both type of poster add something valuable to the site. If you are getting LCN info from a message board only, and not looking any further into it, then you obviously won't know the whole story anyway. I don't care if it's GBB, BH, or RD.
I have always found this board more enjoyable and more well rounded. If you find BH more enjoyable, and think it's the best, that's ok. Trust me we all know what it is, and can go on their site if we choose to. I don't get on GBB just to read about people creaming themselves over BH's posters or charts (or vice versa).
Sorry for the rant.
Keep the posts coming, (bullshit or not) I enjoy them all

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"
"The only thing I fear in life is death, because I can't imagine the world without me"