That's not what I meant ! I said, anyone who lives in Brooklyn and can't make money has to be an imbecile or mentally retarded ! There is tons of money to be made in Brooklyn and I wasn't talking street shit ! Everyone knows those days are long gone except for drugs.Drugs is the one street racket that will never go away ! There is so many legal loansharks they spring up like weeds,Totally unregulated and literally everywhere ! When I was a kid I could walk out my door and there was money coming from every direction, Loans,book,dice,card games,chop shop,fireworks,robberies,parts ,drugs,etc etc..and you could steal anything and sell it 10 mins later ! As I use to say the streets were paved with gold back in those days ! So many people were loaded beyond belief ! I remember as a kid in the early 80s walking into some huge apartment complex basements with my grandfather and they'd have literally a mini city under these things, like 200-300 people on the phones set up at a small desk and chair taking action on everything,The other side was a fortified room for nothing but counting money,I'm talking millions a day from sports,horses,numbers !! Forget it !! This is the Bronx and Manhattan L.E.S