Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: Ciment
I know that the Trump tie video makes people laugh but if your a businessman who has to compete with other companies that buy ties overseas. You have no choice but to do the same.
Trump wants to change that by lowering taxes and removing costly regulation to corporations & small business owners and renegotiate trade deals. In doing so, American companies will be able to manufacture more products in the USA.
Previous administrations did not address this and this is why Trump (the businessman) and others had ties made in overseas countries.
Trump(the president) wants to level the playing field for American companies. This will create jobs;video's of Letterman will only create laughter but no jobs.

I made the post as a follow up joke to the post about Russian ties.

The Trump clothing line was a LICENSING deal he made with a company that manufactures clothes under different brands.

Deal has been in place for over a decade. Trump didn't spend one cent producing or transporting the apparel to retailers in America.

If Trump wanted to, he could have added terms to the licensing deal that certain % of the clothing was to be made in America, or that certain amount of money allotted to create a shop in America to employ people here.

I thought I made myself quite clear as to why companies (not only Trump) have products made overseas. Walmart is a perfect example, people will not pay more and I don't blame them because socialist policies of the left have prevented them from getting jobs. Jobs is the key to economic recovery. Investors, corporations and companies like what they see in Trump policies and yet Democrats are more interested in divisive politics rather than see the country recover to prosperity. If you turn on CNN,NBC and other mainstream media with the exception of FOX, all you see is hatred, they all have the same talking points. Reminds me of Russian media.