Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Originally Posted By: Footreads
Fredrick March
Tyrone Power
Charlton Heston
Gregory Peck
Stephen Boyd
Al Pacino
Burt Lancaster
Kirk Douglas
Armand assante
Lawrence Olivier

Check our Abandon ship staring Tyrone Power, Lloyd Nolan and Stephen Boyd. It on YouTube. Who do you think could play in a remake if made today?

Great list. I'm going to look up that movie and tell you. What was the first movie you ever saw at the movie theater?

I can't remember probably a monster movie smile I spent a lot of time in movies after I ran away from home. Globe Theather in the Bronx was the best. Get there in the morning cost 25 cents you got three monster movies, 25 cartoons at least 4 cereals like Flash Gordon. If the monster movies were good and they were good would see them all twice. Now if I see them on Amazon I buy them.

That's some deal 25 cents. cool My Dad said he saw King Kong as his first movie, I think he was 8. This was back in the 40's. Was that back in the 40's or 50's?

I watched about 40 minutes of that movie Abandon Ship. None of today's actors can come close to Tyrone Power's outstanding performance in that role imo. As soon as I started watching it I thought of George Clooney because he has the looks and the ability to play the character but lacks that confidence and power that Tyrone P had. Another actor I thought of was Henry Cavill who played Superman in Man of Steel. Some other actors I thought of for that role were Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy. If Tom Hanks wasn't so goofy he could play him.

Tyrone Power is the perfect man. He had the confidence, the intelligence, the power, the good looks, the charm. He had just the right balance of what a man needed to handle that situation he was in. He was very fair minded too. I'll watch the rest of the movie one day, kind of depressing. I skipped to the end to make sure it had a happy ending tongue