Kevin Antinuche was release a year ago, Eddie wrecker Callagari will be release in a few months , Anthony Guzzo was released or will be soon,And Paul Ragusa will be released soon within the year, Leader of the Giannini crew ! While none of these guys are made, They probably most likely all be made as they were ruthless ,Violence wise and big earners ! Eddie wrecker was one very sick ruthless bastard who worked directly for Ronnie one Arm,as did Kevin Antinuche. John Carneglia will be released as well. Ronnie one arm literally led a battalion while on the streets and has so many guys under him its mind blowing.Many of those guys will be coming home in the next 1-3 years with a few already released over the last 2 years.Ronnie basically led a family of some ruthless earners loyal to him because it was basically a family within the family.